Tom Brady is totally a biohacker.
You might already be a bit of a biohacker if you've ever tried to improve your health or performance with a new diet or nutritional supplement. Especially if you tracked it in a journal or a wearable device!
We know the term sounds a little scary, but "biohacking" is simply the act of learning how your bodily systems work and effecting a desired outcome through intentional actions. Biohackers use science, technology, and healthy daily habits to promote longevity and improve physical and mental performance. Just like Tom Brady does. In fact, you might say he's the most famous biohacker of all! Sorry Dave.
It's true, sometimes biohackers jump on new studies and try supplements or off-label drugs not waiting for FDA or multi-year double blind studies to come out. That's how they stay ahead of conventional medicine, which is often decades behind. But as long the things they try don't have serious effects and boast better safely profile than pharmaceutical options to achieve the same goal, that's ok. Just do your research thoroughly and check with your doctor for any contraindications.
Goldilocks Wellness tries to present these cutting edge practices and fully explain the risks and anecdotal experiences with these new treatments. We strive to strike this delicate balance between conventional medicine and 21st century science, which we think is what Functional Medicine does and why we are fans.
Whatever your persuasion, Goldilocks Wellness is a safe space to find verified information, wellness-centered events, and products in service of living a healthier, fuller life.
Not too boring and not too woo woo, Goldilocks Wellness seeks to do everything just right.