by Hadley Henriette

Good chiropractic care is one of the cornerstones of functional health and foundational to a healthy body. That's because correct alignment doesn't just help back and neck pain, it improves a myriad of seemingly unrelated symptoms from brain fog to anxiety to neuropathy.

There are many different chiropractic techniques (Gonstead, NUCCA, Thompson, etc.) and a good chiropractor is worth their weight in gold. But there are drawbacks.
Weekly trips to the chiropractor can be inconvenient and expensive. High-velocity neck adjustments can be risky.
What if there was such a thing as a once-and-done adjustment that held forever and felt like a whisper? Enter the EPIC adjustment.
The EPIC Spinal Procedure with Sound Wave Technology uses percussive soundwave technology and is extremely precise. That's right, it uses only sound waves to correct your alignment using digital calibration and laser targeting. It's based on exacting calculations from a series of low-radiation X-rays. It takes the guesswork out of chiropractic care and delivers a gentle but effective adjustment every time.

This the technology that Drs. Daniel Hulsey and Samantha Carney use at Atlas Clinics in Pompano Beach, FL. "We actually don't touch you at all. It's just a sound," explained Dr. Carney when I met her at Biohackers World, a conference featuring cutting-edge health and wellness technology.
The procedure sounded almost too good to be true, but 165 stellar 5-star reviews couldn't be wrong, so I booked an appointment. I am a migraine sufferer who has been in a few mid-level car accidents. I have seen functional, Gonstead, and NUCCA chiropractors, all of whom improved my aches, blood flow to the brain, and overall well-being. But they were all far away and the constant visits were taking a toll on my schedule... and my wallet.

They use low-radiation digital X-rays, which generate less than a fraction of a day's use of cell phone radiation. After taking a series of meticulous x-rays, Dr. Carney takes 15-20 minutes to read them carefully and then create a series
"You will not feel anything during the adjustment. But, we are moving a bone in your body, so you may be sore afterward as everything falls into place over the next week or so."
- Dr Samantha Carney
"I found this upper cervical soundwave technique when I was still in school, so I decided to specialize in it," says Carney. "I had been seeing chiropractors for migraines three times a week since I was in a car accident when I was 16. Eventually, I was a lot better.

But—during chiropractic school, it worsened after many imprecise student adjustments undid my progress. So my partner—then classmate— Dr. Dan, drove me 3 hours across the state to try this treatment and it changed my life. It was a revelation for both of us.
I came to the conclusion that it would not be ethical for me to practice any other kind of chiropractic. I realized this was best and there was no other way to practice."
"We can treat shoulder pain, low back pain, headaches, and neck pain in one go," says Carney. "We are fixing the brainstem and with that, you fix the entire body. You improve the way the body communicates with itself."
According to Dr. Hulsey, co-founder of Atlas Clinics. "It's the accuracy of the EPIC sound wave that allows for a once and done treatment. We're not just guessing and slinging bones around, with the Atlas you really need to be as specific as possible," he adds.
My experience with the EPIC sound wave adjustment was as promised. Although I had seen many chiropractors in the past, Dr. Carney saw how a major artery was being compressed and likely restricting blood flow to my brain. The adjustment was painless, but you could definitely feel it moving something. Afterward, patients have to stay in place for 20 minutes on the table while it sets and then wear a neck brace. You'll be asked not to move your head from side-to-side or up-and-down for a day. But months later, I now have had a new level of brain function, significantly fewer migraines and I have not return yet! Just like all those reviewers, I'm really happy with my EPIC chiropractic adjustment using sound.
Don't believe a sound can actually do anything? Sound waves are already being used to break up kidney stones, treat prostate cancer and in Alzheimer's treatment.
